Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Progress, but not much

I had some sleep, but lying on only one side tends to render that side numb. I'm always glad to see the morning, no matter how early, when I can start taking the day's pills, and go back to sleep for another couple of peaceful hours. Woke in a panic, as I knew the nurse was coming 'mid morning'. What does that mean?

Anyway, she came, took my blood, and recommended a different painkiller, which, having been in touch with the doctor, I now have in my sweaty hands. She'll come back on Friday to test it, but it looks like I will be able to stop doing the jabs then. Progress.

Not much progress on the mobility front. I can make it to the toilet and back, get in and out of bed by myself, but that's about it. Sitting up in a chair is painful, so I doze most of the time, not listening to the radio. I've no energy spare for commenting on blip yet, but thanks again for your support and encouragement. I just have to imagine myself running walking over the hills with Archie and my new knees in a few months a year, though it's a picture that's very hard to see at the moment.

I was doing a draft copy of an email to make an official complaint, then I went to the toilet, and when I came back I couldn't find the draft. Disappeared. I was annoyed that I'd have to write it all up again, then I spotted it in 'Sent' mail. I reminded myself again never to put an address in on a draft email...

Here he is, with a pleading look, hoping to be invited up. OK Then, come on.

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