Don't leaf me this way....

When I was at school we had at least, i think, three gardeners.

We were fortunate enough to have a beautiful school, set in beautiful grounds, landscaped grass areas and wooded shaded areas.

In Autumn, the gardeners were constantly busy with their brooms; sweeping up the drives, down the drives, making piles of leaves which were carefully burnt, little plumes of smoke curling skyward and adding to the general smell of Autumn.

The council soon let go of the gardeners, and the housed janitorial staff; sold
Off the residential homes of the
Appointed staff and things started to go downhill

When the kids were at the school; the 'new extension' was falling into disrepair; volleyball Matches in the gymhall were awful - like playing in twilight

When I started with Blip six and a bit years ago the parents and former pupils had come together to force the councils hand. They wanted to sell on the Property and build a new school - the same type which have been closing all over Scotland due to
Dangerous work practises.

Then we won. The head was 'retired' ; the old extension was being demolished, a new more suitable building to be created.

But there still no gardeners, like the old

There are council gardeners; who cut the grass on sit on mowers, and then do you know what they do? They have a man who blows the leaves. They just blow them; from one place to another; from one dangerous place to another.

You can't see kerbs, or steps.

You its all dangerous.

Pft. Get us some proper gardeners.

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