Waterfoot Sunrise

By alasdairb

A Case of Indigestion?

As I was putting the bird food out this morning there were a couple of young Chaffinches quite happy to to stay a metre or so away from me. I find Chaffinches are amongst the tamest of song birds and a bit like the Robin in that regard.

The young female was hardly bothered by me at all and I managed to get a few blips of her. It was only when I reviewed the shots that I noticed she had some feathers missing from above her left eye. I suspect she may have struck a window and was possibly still a bit concussed. However, she looked healthy enough otherwise.

The young male had been at the feeder and flew beneath a bush beside me, where he attempted to eat a sunflower seed. He tossed it around in its beak, tried stretching his neck to swallow it and even appeared to be choking on it at one point. Anyway he seemed to eat it and then sat in the semi shade of the bush and closed his eyes for a wee sleep. Think he overdid his breakfast and gave himself indigestion!

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