The view from here

When we awoke this morning there was fog in the garden but already we could see the sun trying to break through. By the time Mrs IttH had headed off for a friend's exhibition at the Atkinson Museum in Southport the light streaming through the trees was simply glorious, so I grabbed pooch and little camera and headed out into the wood, at the top wall I stopped to admire the wonderful colours that this season has to offer - blip done.

Which was great as an hour later I drove into Kendal to run some errands and discovered that today we were a little oasis in a really grim day, the Auld Grey Town certainly had the weather to match it's rather dour nickname. By mid afternoon a steady drizzle had set in - hopefully this will have drifted away by the time tomorrow's course starts - but I used the time to write up my lesson plans and create some homework tasks for the participants, which is good as others must have used the time to book courses - I've now got 9 attendees!

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