Heaven knows I'm miserable now...

Poor himself has been poorly for the last three weeks.  He had a horrific cold two weeks, ago, it faded away quite quickly, but he was left with that flipping cough again.  

The cough just started to clear over the weekend, and the on Monday - the cold returned with a vengeance. 

he couldn't take time off work, because something big went Bang on Monday night, so he went in and dripped over everyone, fixed the problem and for the last two night, he has been in bed by 9.15 nose stuffed with tissues. 

this morning, I woke to a soggy face, and very sore throat. I sat up and snot dripped down my face, and tears poured from my eyes.  I showered, and took a cold cure.   And within 20 minutes felt worse.  

I dont think I'm very tolerant of cold cures.   I drove to work,and looked at my boss through the window - he's going on holiday next week, Tuesday.... and I knew If I went in, I'd smite him.  J who I work beside is also going on holiday... .. and C is getting her Tonsils out.  So many people to smite, and spoil their plans. 

So I phoned my boss and waved to him through the window  and said, "i'mma going back to bed". 

And I did.  

And then my neighbour decided to rebuild the adjoining wall. 

So I got up again.  And knitted, and watched bad tv all day. 

I'm still snotty, I can't breath. but himself is getting better and even considering going on a Scout Camp over weekend. 

Me? I'm going back to bed. 

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