What is this?!

These gorgeous flowers adorn huuuge trees...does anyone know what they are?! They make the front of our medical centre look much more attractive!
Danny headed off to Geneva this morning, he's gone for the 24/7 Prayer conference...plus he's co-leading a seminar. Feel like i've not even seen him since we all got back from our travels, and now he's had to go off again! Then as soon as he's  back we have Thea & Rudy staying for a few days as their rent will be up on their flat, but their flight for moving to Granada is not for a few days more. Can't quite believe they're leaving...

Today I'm grateful for ;
1) Danny arriving safely in Geneva.
2) An hour in the park with Asha & a picnic.
3) Feeling prepared for our early start tomorrow...her swimming bag's ready, so is her snack...we're walking (i'm not a driver) so it's early to get up and go!

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