Back on the tools (Day 531)

I wandered up the hill this morning as the first light of dawn crept along the horizon, painting the bay gold. The dogs were unimpressed and chased around in the heather, looking for things to murder.
Back home I got organised and was soon off out to my first proper day at work since I tore my bicep off in June. The frustration of sitting around, unable to do anything has been difficult to cope with at times and I would have been unable to get through it if it had not been for my beautiful wife. Kayte has been, and continues to be, wonderful. I consider myself to be incredibly lucky.
The job went reasonably well and I managed to do pretty much all the things which I was worried I might not be able to do. Bending pipe is difficult, but will become easier as my strength returns. I have a bit more to do tomorrow.
I came home with dirty hands. It feels really good.

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