Tiny Gardening
Although the sun did peek it's head out today, it was still very windy and pretty chilly. Add to that the continuing back twinges and...well, I decided to let the Tinies come out to play! I also downloaded a trial copy of Helicon Focus (on the recommendation of fellow blipper Bootneck). Pretty soon, I had the soft box set up, a couple of office lamps aimed at it, D600 on tripod, and...well, here you have it. Alizondo is trying to impress Daisy with his gardening prowess. (I could have done better with this as it is only six images and I missed some of the focus points, mostly owing to my own vision, I think.)
As I think about it, perhaps art is imitating life here ... Hubs was out wielding a pick-axe while I was planting a few bulbs and generally lazing around. Hmmm. In my defense, I did manage to plant 3 of the montauk daisies, some more phlox (which first had to be dug up from the other garden) and 25 iris bulbs. After that, I searched the garden for insects and came up with only a few bees, a cricket, a wasp and a couple of flies ...none of whom would sit still for the camera. Flowers and tinies were much more amenable.
There are still red-breasted nuthatches around - I caught the quickest glimpse of one today. Also purple finches. And the chippies were out of their burrows today, busy hoarding seeds.
Hubs is watching the F1 race and I think I'll sit myself down and continue reading Fractured Lands: How the Arab World Came Apart. If you are looking for a really informative and riveting account of what has happened in the Arab World in the last few decades, I recommend this highly. Our nephew, who has spent time in both Iraq and Afghanistan, recommended this to us.
I wonder what exciting things will come my way in the week ahead...
PS: Another stacked image on Flickr - click HERE
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