Sleeping Beauties

Thanks to Dad up in the middle of the night, I caught the 4,05am coach to Gatwick...soooo lovely to be reunited with Danny & Asha. Asha was full of things to tell me! Sounds like they had an amazing trip! 
About 10 Han & the kids joined us for an airport brunch, lovely to see the cousins together...and it helped Danny & Asha last longer as we had a mammoth wait for our Ibiza flight home. About 1pm these two couldn't last any longer and napped til our bag drop in was open. 
A delayed flight home...but SO good to walk through the door & be back!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Danny & Asha.
2) Han & the kids making the effort to come see us in Gatwick.
3) That moment of arriving lovely to be away, and so lovely to be home again!

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