Over & Pout.

Against Danny & Hallucination30's advice, i've gone for this pouty portrait over this one... There was something I liked about this photo of Asha...she was busy getting imaginative and doing some drawing whilst I snapped her unawares...think she just zones me & my camera out now!
It's been a day of long lie ins, Asha slept until 11! Then lots of unpacking and delight at various gifts and much-needed winter wear (for Asha). She's been pretty well glued to me all day and we've played make-believe games of 'passports' and 'pilots'! 

An early night for Asha as it's back school in the morning...

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Being home with family.
2) My favourite cheese at lunchtime (courtesy of Mom & Dad) - double gloucester with chives.
3) People's generosity towards us.

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