A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

Twinkle Twinkle

Today was the first day of my school holiday and in celebration of not having to share the next 17 days with 600 teenagers, I have spent the day in the traditional way that I normally do....

Cleaning frenzy!

Its like I have to purge the house at the start of every holiday. I don't know why. Maybe its something to do with the fact that I don't clean the place properly during term time - and I don't like untidiness and dirt, so half term holidays are my 'Kim and Aggie' time...

Might also be something to do with the fact that I came downstairs this morning and went into the living room to find that Sparky had brought in another bird, left it under the coffee table, but had transferred the 'innards' of the bird to the mat by the back door and scattered feathers around like they were confetti.

I had to ignore that little situation for half an hour until I had drunk my first tea of the day! Was a tad dehydrated.

Works 'do' last night - hence no blip as I forgot my camera! Headteacher was up to mischief and had to be frequently discouraged from standing on chairs and being naughty...quite unprofessional! Funny though. I spent the evening trying to walk in my high heels without spilling my Smirnoff Ice. Dunno why, but heels were a nightmare last night, even before I had a drink.

Highlights involved seeing a colleague, who I went to uni with a long long time ago, confirming what he told me, which is he dances like a gay man (which is not a bad thing before anyone thinks I am being naughty or disrespectful). I also watched him trying to get under a 'limbo bar' set at jut under a metre - he's six foot 4 inches tall - it wasn't going to happen. Additionally, me and a group of female colleagues who should know better mugged one of the younger male staff whilst another female colleague who shall remain nameless removed the poor boy's belt from him forcibly - I think he thought his luck might be in!

To be honest, by 11pm I was ready for home - 3 bottles of Smirnoff Ice and my teeth were sugar coated and furry and all I wanted was a nice cup of tea, my Spongebob Squarepants pyjamas and my bedsocks. I am old and so, so sad! My hips and my knees were hurting from dancing. Dear God help me!

Other than that today has involved watching our summerhouse be built in the space of forty minutes...honestly. Impressive to watch I can tell you.

Hopefully tomorrow I will have a new nephew - step sister is being induced as baby boy is hanging on in there - 11 days late now. Fingers crossed. Hoping they have gone for the sensible option on names ...could be another Stan in the family if not!!!!

Thats it - I did write more, but then it got lost. My own fault. Going for a bath.

As for the picture - its my LED strand light again - tripod, long exposure. editing was kept to whacking the shadows right up and cropping. The 'starbursts' are exactly as they were captured.

Other pics from tonight

Brownian Motion

reflection in the bauble (pressed the button and left it whilst I made a cup of tea!)

the rest of them!

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