Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Mr Bear's Birthday

60 this week. We did a two man pub crawl around Guildford in the afternoon then had a takeaway in the evening with friends.

The theme for the pub crawl was "Old Men Behaving Badly". We did four pints, three pubs, and an undisclosed number of trips to the lavatory. We reminisced about our (not far off) forty year friendship and discussed the meaning of life. At one point I think Mr Bear even said that I shared the philosophy of Kierkegaard and gave priority to concrete human reality over abstract thinking whilst highlighting the importance of personal choice and commitment. At least I think that's what he said, we were  near the end of our third beer by then.

There were six of us for the takeaway and you have never seen so much curry. TSM made the house look beautiful, candles everywhere. 

More here.

Otherwise a normal domestic day. Apart from the slug that I found at the back of one of the cupboards under the sink where we keep the cat food. It had eaten through the packaging of a bag of cat biscuits and was huge and lying there fat and dribbling as though it had gorged itself stupid. I chucked it out in the garden and told it to try something fresh and green by way of a change of diet.

Oh and we did take two cats to the vet this morning. Dylan has a rash around his surgical site, nothing serious, but we have to manage it. And Scout had dodgy gums so was given a dose of steroids. We get lovely big warm smiles whenever we go to the vet, the sort that you know say "Ah here are the people who come here so often that I can have more than one holiday a year on my earnings from them". 

And I did go to the gym. And I labelled all my herbs and spices with my new Brother P1000 labelling machine. I like labelling things. And it was a very packed day when I think of it. All that labelling and beer and curry wears a man out. So I went to bed and slept very solidly. Apart from feeling very full at times. And had lots of strange dreams including one where I was in a glass lift in a hotel in Honk Kong overlooking the harbour but the lift was huge and had a small restaurant in it. Rather odd eating dinner whilst going endlessly up and down ...


A year ago today The Girl Racer gave me a fantastic surprise ...

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