Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Presence and impact

Another colleague departed today. This one was special - we are both from Sarf Lundun and have a bit of shared history. As Peter Sarstedt said in Where Do you Go To My Lovely

I remember the back streets of Eltham
Two children begging in rags
Both touched with a burning ambition
To set the NHS to rights

Okay I admit I'm making it up but we are both from South London and we are both NHS managers. And we have both done a lot of mental health in our time.  As I said yesterday, the NHS is a family and you remember the people you have worked with, mostly fondly. So goodby D, have a great time wherever you end up next. We'll miss you.

I took quite a few photographs today - getting board members mugshots for the website. Quite good fun. This was either side of a workshop looking at presence and impact. But its been a long week and I didn't feel like I had much of either ...

The DIzzle cooked shepherds pie tonight and i have to say it was excellent. We are both now full, have tidied the house, and are about to succumb to Morpheus' sweet embrace ... but not before another wee dram ...


One year ago today was back to the future day ...

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