Castle Meadow
Well that's what the sign says. I walk past here, on my way into the Castle Mall shopping centre. The building is behind the castle, and the Castle Mall on the corner at the top of Prince of Wales Road, by Market Avenue. There is a building which houses the museum study centre. I like the shapes, like castle turrets. I googled it, and got very sidetracked looking at photos of the castle mall being built, and excavations that were done, then on to old maps, then old photos of other bits of Norwich...and on...and on...
I love the internet, there is just so much there to take you away from the everyday problems of real life - or conversely, to put them into perspective.
Busy at work, and left at 4. On the dot. Ran for the 4.04 bus & got it. That's why i wear flat shoes on a friday. Couldn't speak though....
Drove to Cromer to collect Mollie who's been working today & Henry who had gone in to town with his friends after school. At home Jon had got in first and started dinner, so Mollie and i made a strict shopping list. Off out for our usual Morrisons shop. Disappointed that there were no reduced bargains. I passed on the 59p piece of octopus.
Shopping away and then sat down to drink tea and eat chocolate. It says it's a 'share' bar....who are they trying to kid!?
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