If A Picture Paints a Thousand Words ....

Tooli and I had a very interesting day today.

We were face-painting and crafting! It started kinda slow, but then the kids came in their droves.

You put pictures out , but the kids come up with all their own ideas. They want intricacies, the want colours you don't have, they want characters that you have never heard of.

Believe me I am no artist, but today I had to make a million beautiful butterflies, with flowers and sparkles, Spongebob Squarepants, A car called McQueen, Blue Spiderman, Red Spiderman; I had to wipe snotty noses, to allow me to put paint on, I had to remove food from dirty faces, and the odd bit of sausage roll. I had trailing flower lines down arms, and round faces, I had spiders, and flowers.

It was non stop, and children, when you have their rapt attention are glorious!

Tooli had fun creating!

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