
By Babrecila

The'Eagle' Pub, Former Coaching Inn. DNA Discovery

The 'Eagle' is one of the oldest Inns in Cambridge, with evidence of a tavern on it's site from the 15th century. It was also once a great Coaching Inn, and still retains the cobbled courtyard and upper gallery. It's curiosities include glass panelled exposed architecture and wall markings from it's original structure. There is also the R.A.F. Bar, which I will photograph tomorrow.
DNA Double Helix. " The Secret of Life"
For decades the 'Eagle' was the local pub for scientists at the nearby Cavendish Laboratory (now relocated) It was here, in a bar to the left of the picture, that on Feb 28th 1953, Francis Crick and James Watson first announced their discovery of how DNA carries genetic information. It is noted that Francis Crick interrupted patrons lunchtime to announce that he and James Watson had discovered the "Secret of Life"

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