
Today was the start of Operation Goodbye Squashy Tummy. Ben sat on my ankles while I attempted some sit-ups before we even got out of bed. This is to be the new morning routine! The idea is that sooner rather than later Charley joins in by sitting on Steve's feet while he does sit-ups. I may have no need to diet, but I do NOT like my squashy mummy tummy and it Must Go.

At breakfast Ben announced we were on a rocket ship. But the engines had broken and needed fixing! So he took a piece of masking tape outside and stuck it on something, came back, and announced it was fixed :)

The boys love each other so much, it's so evident! They look for each other, smile when the other comes into view, play with each other, laugh at each other. Ben kisses Charley and Charley slobbers on Ben. Today Ben cheered Charley up by playing with an orang-utang, and learnt how to help him walk by holding his hands. He also shared his juice beaker and fed him bits of chocolate biscuit... I'm so tired that I can't remember the good stuff from today, I need to start writing it down as it happens!

Housework morning, Charley on a 3-nap strategy, and a clearing afternoon interspersed with work on websites and logos. The front bedroom is ready for furniture moving so it more closely resembles an office! Although tomorrow Ben is looking forward to going to the exciting big shop, the one with houses inside it ;-) Have you guessed? It's big and blue and yellow....

Best go to bed then, eh!

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