Rhododendron losing its flowers in a graveyard, near Tore, on the Black Isle.

Went out for a walk by the old railway line, and back by the Black Isle Brewery road. Spotted my first purple orchid of the year at Littleburn, and later there were hordes of them in a field near Allangrange.

Was caught in a very heavy shower without a waterproof. So sought the shelter of a large Beech tree, where I stood quietly for almost 30 minutes, until the rain eased off. It was a windless day, and I was fortunate not to be attacked by the dreaded midgees. Whilst there, a wild rabbit came up and sat less than a couple  of metres from me. Oblivious of my presence, it nibbled on various tasty shoots, before hopping off. I was grateful for the silent companion.

Nikon F100 : f/4 : 1/40" : 40mm : ISO100

Lens: Voigtlander 40mm f/2 Ultron SL II
Film: Kodak T-MAX 100 (B&W)

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