
By Cygnus

In the yard

Job done! The Ards Man has completed all tasks set by the Peanut - and it's not even lunchtime! Well, I guess it would feel like lunchtime if we hadn't had that monster breakfast in the Tavern earlier.... :)

So two shelves put up in the 'withdrawing room', a little bolt put on the bathroom door and new attachments for a washing line attached in the yard.

We will take a wee wander to another coffee shop soon, then this evening we're off to a restaurant, Spire, that the Peanut has wanted to visit for ages.

My mono photo blip was a bit previous as I put it up yesterday! Today I liked the pinkness in the dancing fuchsia, so it's a pink Monday instead of mono, especially for acyclinggranny's pink October :)

Oh-oh, the Peanut has just remembered about a curtain pole that needs fixing....

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