Wild Boar

As far as I know there are no threats of power outages, just heavy rain which precluded our planned trip to the beach with the dogs.( I'm thinking of all of you in the Pacific Northwest and hoping that they are being overcareful  in their predictions. Stay safe and I hope the lights stay on) Instead, we went to Geyserville to Diavola for lunch. A couple of years ago I published a picture of a kinetic sculpture in a grass patch next to the freeway in Geyserville which has a rather impromptu sculpture gallery. You can read about the coyote here.

The coyote found a new home at a winery around here, but has now been replaced by a boar with a rotating head who has taken up residence until he too finds a new home. It might be slightly more difficult to place a boar.

We have a history with Anne and Harold at Quivira Winery going back to the afternoon in about 1975 when we stopped by and discovered that they were having a party to introduce a new sauvignon blanc vintage and were serving truffles (of the chocolate sort) and oysters. Harold was in heaven, and having consumed his first batch of bivalves on the short walk back to where we were sitting, would turn right around for the next one. Although we have never encountered another new release party, it has become ritual to visit Quivira whenever Anne and Harold are here.

The rain held off until we got home but  rode in on a significant squall about an hour ago and we are all hunkered down with our devices watching it beat against the windows. Daisy and Ozzie don't know that they missed a trip to the beach today, but they seemed to hang out quite companionably while we were gone. Ozzie is currently trying to will one of us into the room with the kibble bucket, leaving Daisy, with a whole hour to observe his tactics and imitate him in hopes of an earlier dinner.

I'm sure an outsider observing the scene would be comatose with boredom in no time, but we find it a lovely way to spend a rainy evening….
Dana and Jim will be arriving soon for a dinner of spaghetti with homemade tomato sauce and hand cured sausage from Diavola. 

Life is good….

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