Colla Mo Run!

The name of a famous Gaelic pibroch which as usual involved some deceit, cunning & death. Such a happy race the Gaels

Seachain an Dun. ! In 1644 the castle was besieged by the MacDonald under Alasdair Mac Colla. Reputed to be the oldest continuously occupied caste in mainland Scotland.The ghost of the handless piper is said to haunt the castle. As MacColla sailed returning to the castle he & his crew heard as they expected their piper playing a tune. As they got closer the realised he was playing a warning so MacColla turned and sailed away and the trap failed. To punish the piper, his hands were cut off so he couldn't ever play again, During renovations on the castle workers unearthed a handless human skeleton under a stone path (near to where I took this photo). This is believed to be the piper of Duntrune.

The gateposts of Skyfall Lodge in James Bond's childhood home were modelled after those in the extra below.
A font of information I am today.

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