
Rocket has the sweetest flowers. Because we had a mild winter mine has survived and is now like a triffid. I use it in salads and stir fries. It packs a peppery punch so balance is important.

This morning I was an honorary cycle courier. I biked through many small connecting streets in central Christchurch, some I hadn't ventured down since before the 2011 February earthquake. It was interesting and much and has changed. My mission was to deliver my work laptop to my boss who was on a course.

It also made me realise the ambivalence I have towards the central city is because I feel disconnected from it. I won't be alone in that and there is no point in trying to force it. My city is very different.

A power cut caused a few issues at work today. We thought one of the builders working on the new building pulled the wrong plug but it affected the surrounding area. We never found out what or why. For a hideous moment I thought I was going to have to learn to restart servers but they all fired up ok.

Happily I tested my injured left calf at my running group tonight. It was better than I expected. I just trotted along, no speed work and stopping to stretch as needed. I'll just have to be careful, ease back, and see how I go.


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