Sawyers View Master

This View Master is from the 1950's as best I can determine.  It is made of Bake Lite, and I have several reels.  Occasionally, I look at the reels and sometimes the grandchildren do for a very short time.  Their entertainment options passed the View Master years ago.  Here is a little history.  I think it is interesting how its tied to our photography heritage. 
"View-Master is the trademark name of a line of special-format stereoscopes and corresponding View-Master "reels", which are thin cardboard disks containing seven stereoscopic 3-D pairs of small color photographs on film. It was manufactured and sold by Sawyer's.
The View-Master system was introduced in 1939, four years after the advent of Kodachrome color film made the use of small high-quality photographic color images practical. Tourist attraction and travel views predominated in View-Master's early lists of available reels, most of which were meant to be interesting to users of all ages."

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