PawsClaws n Tails outWest

By DesertP

A touch of beautiful

I ended up back in Hanoi this afternoon to try and sort out my passport woes. I'm ever so grateful to the man behind the consular counter of the Australian Embassy. He was so kind and helpful, and I should have a new passport within ten days, at the cost of a small fortune! Almost $400! I highly recommend that you just don't lose your passport ... ever!

Mr V. the main driver for our centre then took me up to Veggies where I picked up a few grocery items I forgot about yesterday, as I was in distress mode. There is always a lady with her bike and huge basket full of beautiful flowers for sale outside the store. A touch of beauty in a crazy city.

I was tempted to buy some but settled for blipping them instead seeing as my funds are rapidly depleting. They made me think of mum, and how much she would love the roses. I found out today that she had a fall last Tuesday and has been on crutches all week. She didn't tell me yesterday when I spoke to her because I was already upset over everything I'd lost and she didn't want to make me more upset! Thankfully she is ok now :) I have the most wonderful mum in the world.

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