PawsClaws n Tails outWest

By DesertP


This is the door lock to my bungalow - broken. Just like my spirit today :( Had a much better day yesterday (thanks for all the kind words/thoughts) but then today I managed to do the worst imaginable thing possible and leave my handbag in a taxi in Hanoi... Many calls to the taxi company followed, with the help of one of our translators at work and a complete stranger whom stopped on the street to help me after seeing my panicked and devastated face. No such luck though.

List of items lost: Phone, Kindle Touch, Passport, house key (hence door lock had to be cut off as there was no spare key) and CAMERA!!! I am devastated at the loss of so many items dear to me - although definitely the worst was the loss of my camera. Photography has become such a huge passion of mine this year and its also my main hobby over here. Its my way of coping when I'm feeling lonely or upset about something. I just feel really...broken ... and ... stupid. So for now I have a crappy old phone with a very crappy quality camera as my only photographic tool, although a friend here has offered to lend her camera to me so I can continue my photo a day project.

Am so thankful to everybody who has tried to help me today. I definitely need a bear fix tomorrow.

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