
Why is it people will complain if they see a dog fighting its way into deep undergrowth or under jaggy bushes to have a crap and the owner doesn't endevour to try and get in there to put it in a bag (which takes years to degrade) but they are quite happy when horses come along the footpath and leave half a tonne of the stuff?

Two days ago I posted a picture of weird white stuff (which I have been told is a mould not a fungus) which had appeared over 4 days.
Today it is changing colour equally rapidly.

My addiction for pictures of feathers and leaves where they have fallen came together with one on top of the other.

Again, I posted a shot a few days ago of some camouflaged shaggy mushrooms - today they are a a bit more obvious, but still pretty much the same colour as the fallen leaves, whereas this guy is using The Baldy Headed Man's comb-over system of camouflage ...... and is just as noticable.

Conkers and hazlenuts have had the table-top still life treatment recently - today it was the turn of the beechnuts ........ using an old Nikon 55mm micro lens on my Lumix compact system camera using an adapter I have bought. So be warned ......... it will ore than likely be used 'in the field' tomorrow.

Tonight was the first appraisal  of the session at the camera club.
I got top marks for my print of this ............... and the bottom mark for my projected image of this (his comment being 'the trees are weird shapes, the path is too central and I don't like infrared).

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