Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Little things mean a lot

Bit on a piece of cheese and my gold tooth broke off. Looks like I'm in for another expensive time at the dentist. Little things mean a lot ... of money.

Worked at home today, pretty successfully. All feels very odd at the  moment; the NHS is on a bit of precipice. Change is quite literally the only constant. Mr K dropped in for a one-to-one late afternoon and we talked risk and paperless meetings. He was impressed with the diversity of feline life in our house. Talking of which Dylan seemed a bit flat. I suppose even cats can get depressed, particularly after everything he has been through.

Got a small but very powerful torch from Amazon today. Unbelievable how something so small can light up our garden so completely. Little things really do sometimes mean a lot ... in this case of light.

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