Our Next Chapter

By SnappyHQ

Film night

P's school were hosting a film night today after school but unfortunately P and her friend missed out on tickets. But not to worry we had our own film night at home! The girls (and A) decided to watch Enchanted because they wanted something scary and I provided them with sweets, popcorn and milkshakes. They were made up and sat still for at least 40 minutes before being distracted. We then had pizza and chips for tea (I know not a very healthy evening!) and then watched the finale of the film just before L's daddy came to collect her.

A and I had a nice day. We went to music this morning and A was pleased to see his little friend is back. We then came home and after some lunch went to explore the village. I had a rough idea of where I was heading but let A decide where we would go at each junction. We came across a lovely little park that kept A amused for ages. A little girl and her grandad were also there and A had great fun playing on the seesaw and hide and seek with her whilst I sat in the nice warm sun.

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