Mummy's new gadgets

My new washing machine and tumble dryer arrived today! Yay I've never been so excited to do some laundry and can now clear some of the backlog. Need to organise the utility into a workable space now too.

I took A to playgroup this morning and he had a good play. He was very tired after not sleeping till late last night but still being up at the usual time. He promptly fell asleep in the car when we went to pick up P from school. I transferred him from car to pushchair, collected P and then from pushchair back into the car, drive home and then from car to sofa without him waking! He was out for the count but just that sleep is enough for him to not go to bed again tonight. I feel we are in a vicious circle. I can't keep him awake during the day and I can't get him to sleep at night...argh!

P had a great time at rainbows this evening. They were finishing off the picture frames they have made and when I arrived to collect her she was tucking in to some fruit dipped in chocolate. Yum.

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