
By briocarioca

Just a blur

Rather like the day. I did read the main section of the newspaper from cover to cover, which is rare, but after that everything was a bit of a rush. Our dancer friends from Petropolis, who stayed with us last Saturday after the ceilidh in the hills, came to Rio this time for the final ceilidh of the year, in the community hall – the Caledonian Balls in the Copacabana Palace Hotel are becoming a distant memory.
Still, the hall was packed and with a younger crowd and a significant Scottish presence. Great music from Iain MacPhail, George Darling and Stuart Forbes, and also from the band master and some of his young pipers from across the Bay. When they marched in and then followed a selection of Scottish tunes with some Brazilian favourites, they brought the house down.

Too bad that I couldn't get any decent photos - I still haven't worked out how to work with my mobile .

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