Life with The Pinks

By suzypink

Icecreams at Paignton Zoo

We had a free-ish day out today. Our local Zoo is affiliated with Paignton zoo, so we were able to use our membership cards to get free entry into the zoo. It was a very good day out, we enjoyed the animals, and it was a different zoo to what we are used to. The mini pinks enjoyed their day. We went to the crocodile swamp first on Master Pink's request, then took a tour round the zoo seeing the different species. Miss Pink liked the Zebra, as there was a baby Zebra there. The baby looked quite gangly and new, and as the weather was hot and humid her mum gave up and had a lay down. As we wandered around the zoo there were lots of icecream stalls, and I promised the mini pinks we could have one. the icecreams were delicious, proper Devon ice cream, Mr pink went one better and had clotted cream on top of his clotted cream flavour ice cream!
After the zoo we headed back to the campsite. The boys went off to buy fish and chips from the visiting chip van, and Miss Pink and I sat snuggled up watching the swallows again.


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