Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Mixed messages

I got messages in different formats today. When we came down Top Gun had not only cleaned the kitchen before going to bed, he had also left  one of his inspirational thoughts on the light box. The Dizzle by contrast walked into the kitchen this evening  just as I was pressing the shutter, and strolled past saying "I'm wearing your pants". Sums them up really - one is considered, thoughtful and black and white, the other cheeky, direct and colourful.

I'm hoping I might have a few minutes FaceTime with the girl racer before bed - she is in Western Canada and messaged us this afternoon to say they had had their first heavy snow and she had seen five deer. That sums her up too - she has a constant sense of wonder with the world and loves her life in the mountains.

 I am glad they are all three very different and all in their own way wonderful. 

We were up early - Dylan was getting cage fever at quarter to six and we came downstairs with him as I had misread the time and thought it was quarter to seven. The day seemed to go on for ever. We had the lovely J> over at 11 for coffee: this is the woman who stopped to rescue Dylan a month ago when he was lying in the middle of a busy road injured whist we were in Boston. She is a total animal lover and we had an hour just talking cats and dogs and looking through pictures together. 

Dylan's recovery continues - he has stopped peeing all over the place and seems to have mastered his gender change. The vet basically said that his new plumbing arrangements turn him from a he into a she. That means we are equality and diversity central when it comes to cats: one transgender (Dylan) one disabled (three legged Scout), one with a learning disability (Monty) and one frail elderly (the twenty year old Tigger).

I bought some new clothes, TSM cooked a lovely Thai broth for supper, Top Gun went out for a roast lunch with a big group of friends, and The Dizzle started planning an exciting new project ... not sure if that means I will ever get my pants back or not ...

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