
By Third_eye

Swans 'n' boats.

Thank you all very much for bearing with me during yet another period of incarceration.

It's so frustrating being shut indoors when itching to go out with a camera, but I enjoy processing and editing as much as pressing the button, so I retrieved these two unused shots from my most recent visit to the river and combined them with the aid of a bit of digital magic.

The individual images were first processed with Picasa, from Google - a favourite because it's free of charge and also rule-free, but highly intuitive and versatile - and then combined using the clone tool in, which is also free online. Then back to Picasa for adding the caption and framing, again because it is intuitive and free-form, and much closer to the physical cut-and paste in pre-digital times.

That may sound like a lot of hard work, compared with some of the "one click does all" features of the expensive professional editing packages, but I can afford to spend the time and it keeps me out of other mischief, so why bother to learn new tricks when the old ones can still provide a passable result?

Thanks again for your patience with this old dog (or dinosaur as some might say) and for your wonderful support.

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