Bribery Wins

Who can refuse bribery when asked to help untangle wool and finish knitting a blanket for a much loved rabbit Row,( pronounced as in how), belonging to Nina in Glasgow? Not I, when a Galaxy sweet and a packet of Haribo gums are involved.

This blanket is one started about two years ago in the attempt to teach Nina to knit, but kept being laid aside as a work in progress when other more immediate pastimes took precedence. I have a feeling that most of the knitting done so far is by my fair hand, such was the constant unraveling for dropped stitches.
However when this package dropped through my letter box this morning, there definitely seemed to be a note of desperation although all that seemed to be the problem was a tangle of wool.

With this sorted out, Row's blanket should be ready for the Autumn chill in a shorter time than it takes for me to savour the sweets.

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