Exciting Times

What a day! It almost went horribly wrong but within 10 minutes I realised I was in the cafe above the wrong market and had hot footed it over to the correct cafe in the correct market for my 'informal chat'.

Long story short, I start work experience within an accountancy practice on Monday! I'll be doing 5 days a week to fit with school hours, all voluntary. In return I get experience and training.

The lady I chatted with was lovely, very enthusiastic and seemed to be giving ME the sales pitch rather than the other way round.

Meanwhile, an invitation to interview for an accounts clerk position at a boatyard next week appeared in my inbox!! Decisions, decisions.

Home and a meeting with our accountant (who wouldn't give me work experience - I did ask several months ago) resulting in me spending Friday evening computing our self assessment tax and submitting the returns.

This was followed by hair cuts for 3/4 of the offspring and an extra mouth in the form of one of Princess's friends for tea. Just finished submitting to HMRC and now we'll crack open this bad boy and settle down to some Cold Feet, doughnuts and Prosecco :-D

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