Emergency Art Blip...an old canvas of Asha's...the only photo i've taken today. 
Poor old Asha had a rough night & ended up being home from school today...and unfortunately has ended the day worse than she began it...praying she sleeps well & wakes up healthier. We've all been suffering today, this cold is a 'knocks you sideways' one...even Danny's been slowed down by it! A day full of stuff, though home-based for me because of Ash...packing for our trip this weekend...trying to get finances stuff done...getting washing done for the homeless guys, and our own washing...then this evening we discovered someone wants to stay in our flat whilst we're away - cue a minor panic as I realised how much needs to be done to make it visitor ready, and how little time we have! Argh!
Friday night Danny & Asha are off for a once in a lifetime holiday with Danny's Dad & family, in Florida!! Unfortunately because i'm pregnant, and because of the Zika virus, I can't go! So i'll fly with them on the first leg of their journey and stop in the UK whilst they head on to America (where D's Dad lives). I didn't think i'd get to see my side of the family until after the baby's born, so this feels like a silver lining on an otherwise very disappointing cloud.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Mountainbrew.
2) Good health - don't have it at the moment...but I feel grateful for how healthy I usually feel!
3) Good music & memories it can evoke - today, this, reminded me of a great time with Bulliblips in a secret cove on the north coast of Ibiza...

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