A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley


Jackson beat me at Bananagrams through such cunning and deviousness that I was actually rendered speechless for a good few seconds.  Well the general attempt to limit my swearing in front of the kids also played a part. 

I do love Bananagrams though - I think it is a lot like Rummikub with letters.   And we both agreed we would find it hard to go back to the slower paced Scrabble now. 

A slower paced game might have helped me today mind.  Despite a lovely jolly evening seeing a very funny, feelgood film, and the positive news from the hospital yesterday, last night I had such a real and scary dream of being chased down the street by 2 grizzly bears that I had to force myself to wake up and I didn't get back to sleep. 

Have stumbled through the day and am about to stumble my way through dog class and then it will be a very early night hopefully dreaming about being at a spa. 

Lesley x

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