Fay's Photo Challenge

By Faylm

My Cat Charlie

today's theme was meant to be: something you are grateful for, but for reasons, I struggle with this idea and circumstances mean I can't do this one today. So I've 'cheated' and went for

Today's theme: black and white

Now I know this photo is in colour, but Charlie is a black and white cat. He is mostly black with a white bit under his chin and a white bit on his tum between his back legs (a friend once commented that it looks like he is wearing a bikini)

He turned 2 in March this year and we have had him since he was about 8 weeks old. We got him the day after I sat my last exam in 3rd year from an advert in the paper.

Before Charlie (BC) we had never had a cat, neither me, my husband or the kids. I always say that I won't own an animal until I know how to look after it properly, so much research was done prior to him coming to live with us.

BC we had hamsters, guinea pigs, birds and fish..at one point some commented that we had a bit of a menagerie going on :D

Charlie got his name from 2 places...the old TV advert with Charlie's cat and the video doing the rounds at the time of Charlie bit my finger. Usually he goes by the name of Charlie, Charliepops and Charlie Cat but never Charles.

On weeks where he excels at bird and mice hunting, he is often referred to as 'the bloody cat!'

Charlie isn't the friendliest of cats, he's not much interested in folk and never sits on anyone's lap. He will sit/lie on me if I'm under a duvet/blanket and we do frequently argue over who has the blue blanket or duvet and who gets to sit on my seat. I actually hate making him move :D

He likes me, my husband is good at playing indoors with, he's ok with my daughter but really isn't keen on my son.

He can be quite a grump and he can sulk. His meows we can now understand..he has a 'out' meow, a 'feed me' meow, a 'stop annoying me meow' , a 'get up' meow, a 'going to bed' meow and a 'where have you put my bird/mouse' meow.

He frequently spends hours sitting at the bottom of the garden waiting for the mousies to come out. He likes to play with them.

Charlie doesn't however, under any circumstances, like having his photo taken. Usually when he's asleep, one eye will open as if to say 'go away! I know you have the camera'. If he's awake he's guaranteed to move, look away or even bat the camera out your hand with his paw.

So this is a rare photo of him that looks good :)

I'd love to have another cat but I'm not sure if Charlie would like that idea much

Wow that was a lot of chat about my cat...I love my cat Charlie :)

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