
A collage of photos of the rooms of a dolls' house so that each one could be shown bigger, and be focused into the rooms, than simply a photo of the whole thing!

After a discussion with #1 Daughter at the weekend, I went to her old bedroom and got out the dolls' house she had been given as a child.

Here's Rachel, on her second birthday, quite delighted at being given a second-hand dolls' house, with very little in it and the wallpaper ripped off.  (Can we link to Extras? I don't know! Ah, yes, but then you have to close the Extra and hit on the back arrow of that day's blip. A bit of a faff but know we know!)

At that time,32 years ago, I re-papered the walls and we enjoyed adding furniture and "people" from the Sylvanian Family range. No doubt there are new characters popular for dolls' houses.

I wish I had thought 3 years ago, to begin a thorough re-vamp but, now I will give it a repaint and buy some wallpaper from a firm specialising in such decor and just hope that The Granddaughter will want to play with a 50 year-old hand-made house.

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