
By mydayblipped

Reading materials

Today is a lazy Sunday, after our afternoon out yesterday I think no one in this house can be bothered doing much of anything.
This morning I went to Asda and bought the ingredients for the Hairy Bikers crumpets, hot fruit, greek yoghurt and honey breakfast recipe. Really simple and quick to make yet somehow it looked better than it tasted...I'm just not a fan of hot fruit (unless it's apple or rhubarb crumble).

So today is mostly spent lying on the sofa reading.

So far I have read about free courses you can study online with the Open University. I found out about this through reading the latest copy of Good Housekeeping.

I have always loved magazines..beginning with a kids magazine when I was about 7, progressed through Jackie, Just17, Smash Hits to More, Glamour and Company. I've found over the past few years though that I don't fit in with the readership that most women's magazines tend to target (I'm not interested in fashion, beauty, sex 20 times a day, highflying careers, relationship breakups, how to meet a man, etc etc) and now deviating towards food magazines. Actually I do have a love of food magazines..which my groaning kitchen shelves and husband will attest to.
Good Housekeeping seems to be the only women's mag that I'll read all the way through

I have read a bit of the book I'm reading...A Place of Secrets by Rachel Hore so far quite good, but not as good as Me Before You by Jojo Moyes (a book I was convinced I wasn't going to buy because it was so popular but got it from the library and actually did really enjoy it) which I read before.

My next book shall be 13 by Kelley Armstrong..the last book in the series...I've read all the books in the series which began by picking up Waking the Witch in the library by off chance and becoming completely hooked.

I have read some of the sunday newspaper. We get our mon-sat local paper delivered but not sunday papers. When I was a kid my parents got the Daily Record and the Sunday Post and I think the Daily Record's sunday paper delivered every week. Not my cup of tea newspaper wise but sometimes it is ncie to read a sunday paper, sometimes I can't be faffed with all the supplements that you pay for but are not worth reading because I don't have like £4k for a pair of earrings or can afford the millionaire houses they advertise for sale.

But in both the sunday paper and the magazine, I've read articles about the decline in proper books and the rise in e-books.
I'm not too keen on e-books if I'm perfectly honest, although I do like that they are cheaper. I have kindle on my phone but rarely use's far too easy to spend a fortune on books with Amazon's One Click service and the screen is piddly wee.

I love reading I do but preferably text on paper

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