A Crow's Nest

This is the equivalent of a 'crows nest' on land. I think the crow must have been rejoicing in the early promise of another unlikely October day as the sun rose over the Meadows this morning, with golden sunshine bathing the topmost buildings.
I certainly was.

Daughter #1 was in Edinburgh briefly today and we took the opportunity to be ladies who lunch, before she drove back up north to look after a friend who is ill.
We managed to exchange enough news to last until we, the distaff side of the family, meet up in a fortnight at Stobo Castle for a night of high jinks masquerading under the auspices of a healthy spa visit.

I have absolutely no doubt that my on going visits to the gym are doing nothing at this stage to mitigate the past year's excesses, and I will make a very creditable Mother polar bear in my white towelling robe.

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