Clash of Swans

I was by the pond shooting a swan family with four cygnets when another swan family (with three cygnets) landed on the pond. The very second the parents touched the surface, the other couple started fighting them (in the extra #1, taken 5 seconds later). I lost track of who's who, but within a minute one couple was chasing (in the main photo) one of the others away to the bog where it stayed for more than ten minutes. The other one stayed on the pond until it too was chased away after five minutes (in the extra #2).

As I moved closer to the latter one, it decided to get back to water, but was chased again and fled to the air this time. Soon the other parent came out of the bog, too, took off and they left. All the cygnets had been together all the time, but soon after the parents had left, the four cygnets also left. The whole scene lasted 15 minutes.

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