It's a baldy bald life!

By DrK

Skinny Dip

What a great day! Mo Farah winning the Olympic 5000m. It was nearly as good seeing Steve Cram and Brendan Foster going wild.

It's been a long week and I was really exhausted last night. I fell asleep before 9pm and slept until about 6am! I felt bright eyed and bushy tailed when I got was gonna be a sunny day! I put on some Dillinger as reggae always seems perfect in such weather.

I headed off to Salford for my swim just after 8am. I had decided to do a 3000m straight and it started off well.....the first 750m was the fastest I've swam there all year. Although each lap got progressively slower, I still broke the hour. Although I was well pleased....that's still half the speed the guys were doing in the Olympic open-water 10km. After swimming, I had a brilliant massage and got my hamstrings re-aligned! 8.5 outta 10 on the pain scale but it was worth it.

Then it was off to North Tea for a quick morning latte! Yummy and sweet....although Wayne got upset when I photographed it....after the bubbles had lost their volume. There was a talk on at the Whitworth so I walked down there....and that took just over half an hour. I was stopped by a group of Africans asking me along to their church! I declined politely. They asked again. I asked if they would like to join me at Sangha on Monday evening. They declined politely!

At the Whitworth, I was a wee bit concerned when the seats were there, the presenter was there but no one else was! Hmmmm......then the curator appeared and said the talk was at 2pm. email said it was 1pm and I wouldn't get my week's fruit n veg shop done if I waited!

I headed into Glossop to get the afore mentioned F&V and Saturday treats from Praze! Their frangipane is world class...After lunch (at 4pm) and a wee doze, I watched Annie in the MTB event at the Olympics. What a course! I think she did pretty well, although her starting effort seemed too much. Her endurance will improve though and I'm sure she'll grow into being a world beater.

Then, I fitted new brake blocks to my bike....eek it needs a wash before my long ride tomorrow! Saturday is also run day so I headed out for a 6km one in the Etherow valley. I was feeling good, even though the going was slow! There's quite a few steep hills and it was still muddy/slippery from 40 days and 40 nights of rain!

Finally super Mo and the Blip time!

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