It's a baldy bald life!

By DrK

My Birthday

Eeek. I'm birthday boy today! 41 years old! My tummy was still a bit bloated after a brilliant South Indian curry from the wonderful family run Tanjore on Clerk Street last night. This place is definitely worth a visit as all the food is tasty and wonderfully spiced. The cuisine is a bit lighter than that from the north and suits the Scottish palate as many of the dishes feature expert deep frying! I had a Tanjore special dosai.

First thing, we cycled up to Run and Become for my birthday present, a new pair of trainers. I came out with a bright orange and blue pair.of Adidas trail shoes! Maybe not my first choice in styling but they fitted perfectly, felt light and responsive, with just the right amount of cushioning. I'm well pleased.

Then, it was off across town to The Tri Centre as I wanted shorts and Rosemary was after a tri-suit. She got hers but stock was a bit limited for me and I wasn't keen on the choices I had. On the way home we stopped off at the Bike Chain as Rosemary was picking up a nice merino bike top that was part of her birthday. Finally, we popped into Earthy for lunch things. I got some Fife Cut oatcakes too, for my local Deli in Glossop as I want them to stock what I think are the best oatcakes in the world!

After a rushed lunch we headed to the circus. I was slightly concerned at the start, as the clown was certainly catering for the under 5's in the audience. It got better though, with some pretty cool acrobats performing some amazing feats. Maybe not 100% my thing but I thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon all the same.

As soon as we were home, we changed into our running kit and went out for a fast-moderately hard run for me. It'll be a while before I can push her hard but I'll get there eventually, as long as I don't get injured! My legs were like jelly at the end of the run, but I'm confident that I'll be substantially faster for my triathlon next month. I wish I could have chilled but alsas no! I had to pack my bag quickly and ride up to Waverly to get the train back to Manchester!. Half-way there R asked if I had my wetsuit.....woops....she rushed home and made it back to the station covered with sweat, proudly handing me my wetsuit! I love that girl!

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