Dawn's Journal

By DawnP

Chatham Rice

Mum and I couldn't seem to "get going" but eventually managed to get our act together an head out to enjoy the autumn sun.  We ended up on the side of the River Medway at Chatham eating our picnic lunch while listening to a choir rehearsing for an outdoor theatre performance due to take place that evening.

This rather impressive processing plant was on the opposite bank. I later discovered it was part of a microwave and package rice processing plant.  I also caught the gull in the extras flying along the river.

Later we travelled a few miles down the road to the Chatham Outlet centre so that Mum could buy some new trousers to replace the ones she splashed with bleach that very morning (bless!).  It was then I missed my work phone.  I thought I may have left it in the library near where we lunched, so leaving Mum browsing I headed back to check.  The phone was exactly where I thought it would be, lying on a couch in the library - phew!

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