A rushing about kind of a day. I unaccountably (after a rubbish, nightmare-laden sleep) got up full of vim and vigour. Cleaning, tidying, nothing was too much - and I even finally tackled fixing the sofa. This job, somehow - with all the searching for materials, the sawing, the drilling and the screwing (and some duck-taping, of course) took most of the rest of the day.
Time towards twilight for a burst of planting stuff in the garden, and some tlc for my kumquats, which seem to have taken a dislike to their leaves. It's either too much or too little water, or too much or too little food, or even too hot or too cold. Tricky. So I watered and fed them, and moved them to a spot where they should be sheltered from all extremes.
CarbBoy applied to be class rep today, just quietly without telling any of us. He didn't get it, but still. And I saw reason and didn't buy any hens.
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