Forward momentum
Our gardener is very good to us. Here he has researched gravel options, and presented his results in a way not even the mighty PowerPoint could match. And he has saved us a huge pile of cash, by sourcing 12 tonnes for the price we resignedly thought we might have to pay for one. It really is about who you know.
So, the garden continues to move forward, as do many interior projects. It's amazing what the presence of our CEO has done for freeing logjams! (I put myself more as a COO type figure in Mad Broken House Plc)
Meanwhile, last night's nightmare (inter-galactic wars and our rebel leader choosing to make a pointless sacrifice of his supporters on a motorway bridge with me unable to adequately shield my children due to my fear of motorway bridges and one of my kids being too tall to shield) had me operating below par today. However, school cheques were dealt with, barbecue accessories purchased, and gravel ordered.
Tomorrow, ironing, backblipping and mad Wednesday.
Tonight. Don't have nightmares.
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