A Campari Fountain

I went up the Como to Brunate funicular with a friend and we had a very gentle stroll around the lower part of Brunate to see if we could catch the view on the centre of Como. That proved a bit difficult, plenty of views, although a bit hazy, but none where we could actually look down on the Duomo. They are surely there, but I didn't dare descend nor ascend too much. But we did come up to this special water fountain with Campari Ad chiselled into it. Apparently the founders of Campari had their own Villa Campari at Brunate, which is a tiny village on top of a really high hill overlooking Como and it is/was famous as the garden of Como and had all these Art Nouveau villas. As it's Abstract Thursday with a theme of Optical Illusions I had a bit of a fiddle to turn it more into an actual Campari Fountain, just imagine Campari flowing out of its taps. Edited in PS Elements and Pixlr (pattern overlay). Thanks again to Robert/youoregon1 for keeping us creative !

And thanks very much for the views, comments and stars on yesterday's other Pinocchio Blip

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