Another Day, Another Corner.

Wet street wet pavement
Isolated island blooms
Hightlight the season

A morning spent decluttering in the spare room or 'spare oom' as Faun Tumnus would say in The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe.  I came across some sentimental items today.  There was some to-ing and fro-ing between the keeping pile and the throwing away pile.  I found if I paused and thought rather than acting on the first impulse that said, oh too special must keep,  I could make a sensible choice.  I'm only moving and not departing the world forever.  I don't have to scale down to the bare minimum yet.  
This afternoon I had an appointment in town which gave me a chance for another blip of a street corner with tulips.  These white ones are called Cheers.  I know this because the Tulip Fest has a booklet with a map naming the tulips in the beds around town.  That little red phone box has a public telephone in it.  I didn't pick it up to see if it worked.  It's still raining.

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