Pilot Whales

Another windy day, and the gales continue this evening.  It poured with rain all morning, but cleared in time for lunch and a sunny afternoon.  The rains came back this evening!

I've been working all day on the museum desk, to cover illness and help with wool week.  With the poor morning, we've been pack with every knitter visiting the isles.  There's been a constant clicking of needles throughout the museum.  Met up with mam at lunchtime and had a brief walk too.  After work, I've been out with friends for Brian's birthday.  Running niece Elise home tobight, before I head to work in the pub.  

I got a tip off from friend Paul about pilot whales in the harbour.  I had to head in town, so took a detour on ny way.  I got soaked by the rain, but worth it, since I missed all the orcas during the summer.  The pilot whales used to be hunted on the isles here, thankfully that stopped over 100 years ago!  Note the one whale popping up and having a look about :)  Taken at the Nort Mooth, Greenhead, Lerwick. 

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